Several years ago, the office had a cycling time-trial challenge. With only 5 participants, Tony was pretty confident he would defeat them all. Tony, of course, hadn't ridden a bike for a while, and most of the other competitors had either competed in time trials before, or were regular commuters, typically racking up 18+km/day rides to and from work. Nevertheless, he boasted about his prowess, reminding us that he was working out, focussing on weight lifting to increase his upper-body strength (really useful for a cyclist - NOT!). Carb loading involved lots of pizza and desserts.
On the day of the TT, Tony did not win as predicted. In fact, he came in dead-last, AFTER his girlfriend, a late-minute entry, who was riding an old-fashioned, poorly maintained girly bike.
Tony did win for the fastest first 100 metres though ... after which he quickly fizzled out.